There’s no formula for success, but there are tools available to use. Digital marketing is not way too fast growing, but also constantly changing. The world we live in require different approach. What might be working yesterday, might not be necessary good enough today. No matter the company size, every company is unique and requires round-the-clock attention from industry-experts to deliver content and specific tools, that will connect them to their audience — that’s where we come in. Our experts think outside the box and will use their experience to find what you need and will do it fast, as we believe that time matter.

Complete Marketing and website building
Here in Digital Connect Solutions we are ready to help you build your new business marketing strategies or support you rethink your already existing once to boost your productivity in any aspect starting from making your product and services stand out of the crowd, connecting better with your customers, understand their needs and save you time doing admin and so on. Online website exposure in any business is now days a must, but the way how your website is optimised will be the difference where we will make sure the right customers find you quick and choose exactly you and your product or services.
Create your professional digital marketing strategy and optimised website today.
(Search Engine Optimisation)
SEO is simply how Google read your content in your website and how will compare that with the rest of the websites. The way how your website is optimised is the different in between successful online business and business just exist online, but do not make the best sales they could make. That's how our experts will bring their knowledge, skills and thinking outside of the box ideas to live and make sure your website is not just one of the many, but one of the best in the industry you are in. Ongoing support and help here is also crucial. The way how optimisation change constantly, and this is because Google want to make sure what is showing to their customers is only the best available products and services TODAY.
(learn about your customers)
Analytics could be for Ads you paid for or website performance. Because getting to know your customers behaviour is powerful tool to make the right changes at the right time, so you can give them exactly what they want and when they need it. It will also help you understand what kind of tools to bring in your business and on what stage. It will help you budgeting. Our experts will make sure your Analytics are properly set up and regularly reviewed with best for action step by step structured plan especially for your business. What works for some, might not work for others and what worked yesterday for you is not necessary that will work today. This is because your customers' needs change and you have to make sure you understand their needs.
App Developing
(Apple Store and Google Play)
How App developing might compliment your business? The answer is that might be in a many different ways from exposing to bigger audience publishing it in Apple Store or Google Play to making your customers connect with you, your products and services easier to even your own managing business or admin quicker.
Now days we use more than ever our mobile phones and app developing for your business might be the right step to make in order to boost your current sales. Been innovative also could be a bonus to show your customers you care and you grow.
Get in touch today to discuss with our experts, if this is something your business might benefit from. They will make sure that this is what you need and will advise and develop your unique app to reach all your needs.
Do not wait, get in touch and tell us more about your business.
Online Store
Sales online on goods or services is what our businesses needs now days. Tracking your automatic invoices and expense is also a must for any small or big business. Do not forget from 2023 you must have digital platform to show your sales to your accountant (self assessments will no longer be available in the UK). Set up an online store could be do ne in a many different online platforms. Our experts will advice what might be best to use today and will guide you in process, if and when changes might be need it in the future.
Drop shipping is another way of making profits from sales online without to physically have or own the stock. You will be the third party in the net in between the customer and the manufacturer. You will create the platform to connect them and will earn the commission for that. Get in touch today to find out more about this type of business opportunity.
Staff Members
(Customers accounts)
Adding staff members to your website or mobile app might help you organise and communicate better with your employees. This is also very helpful tool to track their performance and to analyse their sales, working hours and so much more. Creating a one platform to deliver all your business needs cuts your managing staff timing and allows you to balance work and personal life better or even give you more opportunities to think how to grow your business.
Clients accounts - bringing all sales, services used and spending to one place is more detailed analytic tool to track your customers needs. This helps you to gather more specific information and that way to lead you to the right sales and discounts to boost your business and make more profit.
Our experts will be ready to analyse your current needs and advice on what stage, which tool will be beneficial for you.
Social Media Set up
(Blogs, Content writing)
Been in touch with your audience is the key to any digital marketing. To keep all posts going and to be regularly updated takes valuable time, which can be used in developing another sector of your business in order to grow faster, perform better and make more profit. To pay for an expert to write your content might be the key to your performance. Our experts will advice what might be the right platform to connect with your audience. They can set these up for you, review or offer ongoing support in writing your content or give you ideas of subjects you can write for. They can also set up automatic posts or boost your performances and bring more exposure.
Don't wait and don't delay getting in touch with our experts. Time is money.
Update existing website
(Moving to the cloud)
Living in a fast growing digital world require been up to date with latest technologies and sometime only this is what our business need to stand out of the crowd or to optimise our work flow. Saying that in Digital Connect Solutions we do recognise and specialise in cloud computing too. Business growth is necessary to be equipt with more powerful tools to satisfy more of our customers and ease our employees day to day tasks. Both of these scenarios are very challenging to take the next step and move to the cloud, as they require interrapting with already busy and established bsusinesses. We are here to advice and make the process fast and effecive